Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Jason Burton

This Sunday Jason Burton, a Christian musician from Lynchburg, will be performing a concert in the fellowship hall at Olivet.  Before the concert there will be a potato bar offered so people have a chance to enjoy fellowship time with one and other.  The concert will start at 6:00 and should run approximately an hour.  If you are in town and looking for a fun evening full of fellowship and good music, come on out and join us.  This is something that the entire family should enjoy. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Church Ball?

On Sunday night the mid-highs gathered for Youth Fellowship.  We enjoyed a great meal of spaghetti and meatballs, with ice-cream Sunday's for dessert!  Afterwards we cleared out the fellowship hall and played a game using a plastic baseball bat, cones for bases, and a soft rubber ball.  We rolled the ball to the plate, and hit it like we were playing polo.  The youth got into the game, and by the end we were all exhausted, or at least I was.  We finished up the evening with some group time upstairs in the youth room.

After the game we discussed the need to find a name for the new game.  Some of the suggestions were; church ball, rolly-polly ball, and roll ball.  What do you think?  See the poll on the side to vote!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Visit to Zion Union Baptist Church

This morning the youth Sunday school classes visited Zion Union Baptist Church in Charlottesville.  The congregation of Zion Union were extremely hospitable, and even had an ice-cream social involving the two youth groups afterwards.  It was an uplifting service with a powerful message. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011


What - Lock-In
When - Friday, March 18th, 7:30pm-7:30am
Where - Olivet, meet in the youth room
Why - To enjoy a night full of fun and fellowship!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Jesus came to the disciples walking on the water.  When they saw him they were terrified....Jesus spoke to them at once.  "Courage!" he said, "It is I.  Don't be afraid."
Matthew 14:22-23
Over 1,000 6th, 7th & 8th graders and their adult leaders, from all over the country, will travel to Massanetta for the unique program of key-notes, music, recreation, workshops, and small groups led by amazing senior-highs.  Olivet will be traveling to Massanetta during session 2, June 21st - June 24th.  The cost of the trip is $320, which covers 3 nights in the hotel at Massanetta, three meals a day, a conference t-shirt, and a wonderful conference experience.  

Monday, March 14, 2011

Senior-Highs Serve Dinner

Last night with the guidance of Michelle Karpovich and Kacie-Linn Engle the senior-highs prepared, served, and shared a meal with the women of PACEM.  The senior-highs prepared a delicious meal of chicken and beef enchiladas, Spanish rice, fruit, and cookies for dessert.  It was a smaller group of women, and there was more than enough food to go around.  After serving the meal the senior-highs joined the PACEM women to share the meal with them.  The women were very thankful for this gift.
It was a wonderful evening and a great service project for the youth.  We hear a lot about homelessness, but by hosting PACEM we are able to put a face to homelessness.  As I left the church to go home I reflected on how truly blessed I am.  I felt a little guilty for the large house, comfortable bed, and warmth that I enjoy each and every night.  It is very easy to take things for granted, and working with the PACEM women served as a useful reminder to me of all the blessings I have.  I hope this event also spoke to the youth, and reminded them of all that they have to be thankful for.   
PACEM runs through April 1st, at that point many of the women will begin spending their evenings outside.  Even though the weather will be much warmer at this point, there will still be some cool evenings to face in April.  Please pray for these women and for anyone who does not have a place to call home. 

Mid-High Fellowship

Daffodils at Manse
  The mid-highs gathered last night for pizza, games and fellowship.  After enjoying some pizza the plan was to stay inside and play some games.  However with the beautiful weather the mid-highs had a much better idea, to go outside and run around the playground.  With the beautiful spring weather and the time change there was no arguing the sound logic of the middle school youth.  It was great spending some time outdoors!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mid-High Youth Fellowship - 3/13

This Sunday the mid-high youth will gather from 5:00-7:00 for pizza, fun, and fellowship.  Hope to see you there!

Senior-Highs to Serve PACEM Dinner

This Sunday the senior-high Youth Group will serve dinner to the women of PACEM.  The senior-highs will meet at 5:30 to help set-up and prepare the meal.  After serving and sharing the meal with the women the group will help clean-up.  Please plan on staying until 7:30.  I hope everyone can join us for this important service opportunity. 

Washington D.C. Service Trip - April 8 - 10

Imagine 15 degrees outside with the wind blowing, pretty miserable right?  This was the temperature and the conditions when I visited Washington D.C. with my family over the Christmas holiday.  Now imagine sleeping outside in those conditions.  It is hard to imagine, but it is the reality for many individuals across this nation.  As we walked back to our hotel complaining about the frigid weather we witnessed a man sleeping on the sidewalk curled up inside an old sleeping bag.  In April the senior high youth will be traveling to Washington D.C. to help serve the homeless, and in in the process learn what it means to have nowhere to call home.

(From the January Gusher)

On Friday April 8th the Senior-High Youth Group will head to Washington D.C. for a weekend of service, exploration, and hopefully personal growth.  If you are interested in attending please let Seth know by March 15th.  The cost of the trip is $75, which covers two nights in Washington D.C., and meals on Saturday and Sunday morning. 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Mid-Highs Serve PACEM Women Dinner

I have now been at Olivet for over four months.  While I feel very settled in, there are lots of experiences that are still new to me.  Last night was my first exposure to PACEM.  As I asked the mid-high youth group how many of them had worked with PACEM before the hands raised outnumbered the hands not raised.  I feel into the minority. 
As the mid-highs cooked and set up the meal for the PACEM women I had the opportunity to speak with the PACEM staff member dropping the women off.  She spoke with passion and enthusiasm for the job that they were doing.  She said it had nothing to do with the paycheck, and everything to do with the women.  You could tell that this woman loved her job, and loved the women that she worked with.
The mid-highs, with the guidance of Mary Rike, helped prepare a delicious meal for the women, and ate alongside them after all the women had been served.  You could tell the mid-highs were a little unsure of how to act initially, even though we had stressed to them to just act normal.  The mid-highs warmed up to the ladies by the end of the night, and as they were leaving with their parents the women said good-bye, thank you, and reminded the youth to pay attention in school. 
As I left that night the faces of the women staying in the fellowship hall remained securely in my mind.  I couldn’t stop thinking about them, and all that they had to deal with.  As I crawled into bed that night I couldn’t help but think that I did not deserve the warm bed and large bedroom I had been blessed with.  It was a reminder of how lucky and blessed I am, and how much there is to do.  As Christians we are called to serve, it is a call that I feel Olivet takes very seriously.  Please pray for the women of PACEM during these two weeks, and for all the men and women who do not have a bed to call their own, or a place to call home.
PACEM’s Vision: “A Pillow for Every Head”

PACEM’s Mission: “To engage the faith community of the greater Charlottesville area in providing shelter, compassionate support, and access to services for people who are homeless.”

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pizza, Ice Cream, and Gestures!

For Sunday night youth the senior-highs enjoyed a dinner of pizza, brownies, and ice cream.  A very nutritious meal for growing youth!  After sharing a meal together the senior-highs played the charade style game guesstures.  The game pitted the girls versus the boys.  While the boys pretended to stand a chance, the reality is they didn’t stand a chance at all.  After three rounds the score was 24-1 in favor of the girls.  After that the boys stopped keeping score, and all we know is that the girls definitely won.  It was a fun night with lots of laughing and good fellowship time. 

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Starting this Saturday the Olivet Congregation will be hosting the women of PACEM for two weeks.  This is a wonderful service opportunity.  Both the mid-high youth and senior-high youth will have an opportunity to prepare, serve, and share a meal with these women.  The mid-high youth will be preparing the meal this upcoming Sunday, March 6th.  The senior-highs will be preparing the meal the following weekend, March 13th. 

Confirmation Kick-Off Dinner

The 2011 Confirmation Class has officially begun with the kick-off dinner taking place.  This dinner was an opportunity for the youth and their parents to be introduced to the class, to their faith mentors, and to have an opportunity to ask any questions that they may have.  The dinner was prepared and served by the senior-high youth, and was excellent.  A big thank you to all the youth that helped prepare the meal.  The following youth will be participating in the program: Harry Barnes, Alexandra Brown, Andrew de Jong, Eleanor Fabiano, Ashley Fox, Faith Hatter, Fairfax Knight, Truman Knight, Megan McGrath, Sean Roberts, Will Romness, and Leanne Tarleton. Please pray for these youth during this time of faith exploration and decision about their personal commitments of faith. On June 5th, they will have the opportunity to make a public confirmation of their faith during worship, and join the church. 

Fun Retreat

Last weekend the mid-high youth group went on a Fun Retreat weekend to Massanetta Springs.  The group had nineteen people including adults!  On Friday night the group hung out at the cabin playing games and enjoying fellowship time together.  On Saturday morning the group enjoyed a large breakfast of pancakes, sausage, eggs, fruit, and orange juice.  After breakfast we loaded up the vans and headed to the Massanutten Water Park!  The weather was cold and windy outside, but inside it was a balmy 85 degrees!  We enjoyed water slides, hot tubs, lazy rivers and more for the rest of the day.  It was easy to forget that is was still February. 

Saturday evening we once again sat around the large wooden table and ate a great pasta dinner prepared by Charlotte Matthews.  After dinner we enjoyed some more time to hang out and enjoy spending time together.  Sunday morning we worshipped together as a group before heading back to Olivet.  It was a great trip with a great group!