Monday, March 7, 2011

Mid-Highs Serve PACEM Women Dinner

I have now been at Olivet for over four months.  While I feel very settled in, there are lots of experiences that are still new to me.  Last night was my first exposure to PACEM.  As I asked the mid-high youth group how many of them had worked with PACEM before the hands raised outnumbered the hands not raised.  I feel into the minority. 
As the mid-highs cooked and set up the meal for the PACEM women I had the opportunity to speak with the PACEM staff member dropping the women off.  She spoke with passion and enthusiasm for the job that they were doing.  She said it had nothing to do with the paycheck, and everything to do with the women.  You could tell that this woman loved her job, and loved the women that she worked with.
The mid-highs, with the guidance of Mary Rike, helped prepare a delicious meal for the women, and ate alongside them after all the women had been served.  You could tell the mid-highs were a little unsure of how to act initially, even though we had stressed to them to just act normal.  The mid-highs warmed up to the ladies by the end of the night, and as they were leaving with their parents the women said good-bye, thank you, and reminded the youth to pay attention in school. 
As I left that night the faces of the women staying in the fellowship hall remained securely in my mind.  I couldn’t stop thinking about them, and all that they had to deal with.  As I crawled into bed that night I couldn’t help but think that I did not deserve the warm bed and large bedroom I had been blessed with.  It was a reminder of how lucky and blessed I am, and how much there is to do.  As Christians we are called to serve, it is a call that I feel Olivet takes very seriously.  Please pray for the women of PACEM during these two weeks, and for all the men and women who do not have a bed to call their own, or a place to call home.
PACEM’s Vision: “A Pillow for Every Head”

PACEM’s Mission: “To engage the faith community of the greater Charlottesville area in providing shelter, compassionate support, and access to services for people who are homeless.”

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