Thursday, March 10, 2011

Washington D.C. Service Trip - April 8 - 10

Imagine 15 degrees outside with the wind blowing, pretty miserable right?  This was the temperature and the conditions when I visited Washington D.C. with my family over the Christmas holiday.  Now imagine sleeping outside in those conditions.  It is hard to imagine, but it is the reality for many individuals across this nation.  As we walked back to our hotel complaining about the frigid weather we witnessed a man sleeping on the sidewalk curled up inside an old sleeping bag.  In April the senior high youth will be traveling to Washington D.C. to help serve the homeless, and in in the process learn what it means to have nowhere to call home.

(From the January Gusher)

On Friday April 8th the Senior-High Youth Group will head to Washington D.C. for a weekend of service, exploration, and hopefully personal growth.  If you are interested in attending please let Seth know by March 15th.  The cost of the trip is $75, which covers two nights in Washington D.C., and meals on Saturday and Sunday morning. 

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