Monday, March 14, 2011

Senior-Highs Serve Dinner

Last night with the guidance of Michelle Karpovich and Kacie-Linn Engle the senior-highs prepared, served, and shared a meal with the women of PACEM.  The senior-highs prepared a delicious meal of chicken and beef enchiladas, Spanish rice, fruit, and cookies for dessert.  It was a smaller group of women, and there was more than enough food to go around.  After serving the meal the senior-highs joined the PACEM women to share the meal with them.  The women were very thankful for this gift.
It was a wonderful evening and a great service project for the youth.  We hear a lot about homelessness, but by hosting PACEM we are able to put a face to homelessness.  As I left the church to go home I reflected on how truly blessed I am.  I felt a little guilty for the large house, comfortable bed, and warmth that I enjoy each and every night.  It is very easy to take things for granted, and working with the PACEM women served as a useful reminder to me of all the blessings I have.  I hope this event also spoke to the youth, and reminded them of all that they have to be thankful for.   
PACEM runs through April 1st, at that point many of the women will begin spending their evenings outside.  Even though the weather will be much warmer at this point, there will still be some cool evenings to face in April.  Please pray for these women and for anyone who does not have a place to call home. 

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