Thursday, March 3, 2011

Confirmation Kick-Off Dinner

The 2011 Confirmation Class has officially begun with the kick-off dinner taking place.  This dinner was an opportunity for the youth and their parents to be introduced to the class, to their faith mentors, and to have an opportunity to ask any questions that they may have.  The dinner was prepared and served by the senior-high youth, and was excellent.  A big thank you to all the youth that helped prepare the meal.  The following youth will be participating in the program: Harry Barnes, Alexandra Brown, Andrew de Jong, Eleanor Fabiano, Ashley Fox, Faith Hatter, Fairfax Knight, Truman Knight, Megan McGrath, Sean Roberts, Will Romness, and Leanne Tarleton. Please pray for these youth during this time of faith exploration and decision about their personal commitments of faith. On June 5th, they will have the opportunity to make a public confirmation of their faith during worship, and join the church. 

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